package org.p7h.storm.wordcount.topology; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.LocalCluster; import backtype.storm.StormSubmitter; import backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException; import backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException; import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import org.p7h.storm.wordcount.bolts.WordCountBolt; import org.p7h.storm.wordcount.bolts.WordSplitBolt; import org.p7h.storm.wordcount.spouts.TwitterSpout; import org.p7h.storm.wordcount.utils.Constants; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Orchestrates the elements and forms a Topology to count the words present in Tweets. * * @author - Prashanth Babu */ public final class WordCountTopology { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WordCountTopology.class); public static final void main(final String[] args) { try { final Config config = new Config(); config.setMessageTimeoutSecs(120); config.setDebug(false); final TopologyBuilder topologyBuilder = new TopologyBuilder(); topologyBuilder.setSpout("twitterspout", new TwitterSpout()); //Create WordSplitBolt with minimum word length to be considered. //This is more to reduce the number of words to be processed i.e. for ignoring simple and most used words. topologyBuilder.setBolt("wordsplitbolt", new WordSplitBolt(4)) .shuffleGrouping("twitterspout"); //Create Bolt with the frequency of logging [in seconds] and count threshold of words. topologyBuilder.setBolt("wordcountbolt", new WordCountBolt(30, 9)) .shuffleGrouping("wordsplitbolt"); //Submit it to the cluster, or submit it locally if (null != args && 0 < args.length) { config.setNumWorkers(3); StormSubmitter.submitTopology(args[0], config, topologyBuilder.createTopology()); } else { config.setMaxTaskParallelism(10); final LocalCluster localCluster = new LocalCluster(); localCluster.submitTopology(Constants.TOPOLOGY_NAME, config, topologyBuilder.createTopology()); //Run this topology for 120 seconds so that we can complete processing of decent # of tweets. Utils.sleep(120 * 1000);"Shutting down the cluster..."); localCluster.killTopology(Constants.TOPOLOGY_NAME); localCluster.shutdown(); } } catch (final AlreadyAliveException | InvalidTopologyException exception) { //Deliberate no op; not required actually. //exception.printStackTrace(); } catch (final Exception exception) { //Deliberate no op; not required actually. //exception.printStackTrace(); }"\n\n\n\t\t*****Please clean your temp folder \"{}\" now!!!*****", System.getProperty("")); } }